For those interested Here are my last interviews for the time being – with THE OTHERS, and with their rather interesting Estonian lead guitarist EDDIE DARKO + STEVE MCCREADY who is not only a great diverse multi-instrumentalist  but an interesting chat too. In fact with STEVE there was even a connection with DAVE EDMUNDS whose cover of ELVIS COSTELLO’s “GIRLS TALK” is one of my all time faves…

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My chat with Johnny Others and Jimmy Lager of the OTHERS

It has been quite a week for me. The BBC sent me footage of my Grandad who I never really knew on the GENERATION GAME back in 1972 demonstrating Bill poster work in front of a celebrity panel. I have never seen it and to my amazement as I had never been told this nor had anyone remembered but the posters were my favorites STEPTOE AND SON and RONNIE CORBETT. Seemed apt…footage to follow vintage tv fans…

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